Part I The Bible

Study 01 … The Bible is Unique

Study 02 … The Bible is Trustworthy and True

Study 03 … The Bible is the Word of God


Part II Jesus Christ

Study 04 … Jesus is our Lord and God

Study 05 … Jesus Came to Save us from Our Sins

Study 06 … Jesus Christ is Our Friend


Part III The New Birth

Study 07 … Born Again – Indwelt by God the Holy Spirit

Study 08 … Water Baptism  - Raised To New Life

Study 09 … Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Power to Serve

Study 10 … The Born Again Believer is a Citizen of Heaven

Study 11 … Peace With and From God

Study 12 … How do I know I am Born Again


Part IV The Christian Life

Study 13 … Reading the Bible

Study 14 … Walk and Live by Faith

Study 15 … Prayer

Study 16 … Mercy not Sacrifice – The Call to Love

Study 17 … Praise and Thanksgiving

Study 18 … The Church – The Body of Christ

Study 19 … The Lord’s Supper



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