In Part I we found that the Bible is in fact the Word of God. With this in mind we will discover that Jesus Christ was no ordinary man. In addition, we will find that Jesus Christ was and is the Son of God who physically came to this earth to save you and me from our sins.

To accomplish this, this portion of “Christian Fundamentals” contains the following three studies.


Study 4 - Jesus Christ is Our Lord and God

          This study begins with a discussion of what is meant by (1) the term “Holy Trinity” and (2) a review of the meaning of the word “Christ.” This study will then review: (1) Jesus’ birth and (2) His authority and power. Finally, the study will show that the Bible clearly teaches us that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, which means He is our Lord and our God.


Study 5 – Jesus came to save us from our sins

          Using the Holy Scripture we will discover that the consequence of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God, every human being who was, is and will be on this earth has and will inherit their sinful nature. However, throughout the Old Testament God promised that He would come to save us from this sin nature and restore us to Him. We will discover that God fulfilled His promise through our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Study 6 - Jesus, Our Friend

          By utilizing the Bible and Webster’s definition of a friend, it is shown that in addition to being our Savior, the Majestic Lord of all, the King of kings, Jesus Christ is also our friend.


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