In Part I we found that the Bible is the Word of God and by reading it we are brought to Jesus Christ. In Part II we learned that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, took on human flesh and came to earth to save us from our sins. We also discovered that unless a person is born again, they can not see or enter into the Kingdom of God.

          Since the new birth is vitally important to our eternal destiny, this portion of “Christian Fundamentals” is devoted to the study of its occurrence and its effect. To accomplish this, Part III is organized into the following six studies:


Study 7 - Born Again … Indwelt By The Holy Spirit

          Excerpts from Israel’s exodus are used to illustrate the necessity for the new birth. The benefits and critical elements necessary for a person’s “new birth” are identified and explained.


Study 8 - Water Baptism … Raised To New Life

          Various water baptisms of the New Testament are identified and discussed. We will find that Jesus’ disciples followed Jesus command to baptize those who, through faith in Jesus Christ, became born again believers in Him. The account of God saving Noah and his family through the catastrophic flood is used as an illustration for the purpose and benefit of the new believer’s baptism.


Study 9 - Baptism of The Holy Spirit - Power To Serve

          Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit baptism along with various New Testament examples of its fulfillment are identified and discussed. This foundation is used to highlight some of the functions of the Holy Spirit and the various ways His, the Holy Spirit’s, baptism occurs.


Study 10 – Believers are now Citizens of Heaven

          Various Scriptures of the New Testament are used to highlight the fact that as a result of the new birth God has changed the position of the Christian from being spiritually dead, without hope and doomed to the lake of fire to being spiritually alive, filled with the Holy Spirit and having citizenship in the Kingdom of God.


Study 11 - Peace With and From God

          Selected New Testament Scriptures are used to explain that in Jesus Christ, the Christian has peace. This peace is not from the world but is the peace that is with God and from God.


Study 12 - How Do I Know That I Am A Christian?

          The New Testament is explored to illustrate that the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit that we are children of God when: (1) we believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, (2) we believe that Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ is our Savior and (3) we allow the Holy Spirit to produce His fruits in our life.

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